God is awesome! We sensed such a powerful presence of the Lord during ministry in Rome. We ministered to an international audience of people from Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Belarus, Italy and the US.


Many lives were touched. Several significant healings were witnessed. A woman with cancer of the bone came up to share how the pain went away after prayer and she was feeling much stronger – she could raise her hand which she could not do before. Another lady with bad arthritis shared how she felt a warmth come over her knee and she could sense a change taking place.

We enjoyed our time with Pastor Vitaliy and Church and look forward to future ministry here.

10329762_1509166865972814_2310886787999160204_oIt was great to have our family join us and to celebrate Catalina’s first Birthday in Rome.

Update on Ukraine:

The newly elected president of Ukraine was sworn in on Saturday amidst hopes of peace in the Eastern parts of the country and a move into a brighter tomorrow.

Slovyansk, Donetsk – The fighting has continued in what has become the site of some of the fiercest battles between Ukrainian government forces and separatists – it’s a war zone. Bus loads of children and families are evacuating concerned for their safety and possible hunger. A prominent pastor was kidnapped and released a few days later. Now there are reports of attacks on a church where militants came and seized several people right out of the service and began firing from the church to the outside. Thousands of refuges are moving to other regions of Ukraine.

We had a number of Bible Schools in this city. The last group of students graduated last year. Much of the region where we have worked in the Eastern part of Ukraine is in turmoil. We pray that our graduates will lead in the midst of the turmoil.

Let us pray for the Pastors and Leaders for their protection and God’s wisdom to lead. Pray for a spirit of reconciliation over the nation as it moves forward. Pray for the refuges and those who are reaching out to them.

Update on Mikayla:

This resilient young woman is making big progress and has fully committed her life to the Lord. She has been talking, asking us to return to the hospital to pray for her. We just returned from the hospital and saw how amazing the transformation has been. She has undergone several surgeries. The doctors have done much to help her but have said that she is a miracle. Her body has made amazing recovery. She has not been able to use her right arm and leg. As we prayed she sensed a warmth come over her right leg and believes God is healing her. Let us stand in faith believing for complete healing. We believe God will use her to reach other youth.


Walter and Nina